dinsdag 29 mei 2012

Just Keep Swimming, Just Keep Swimming

She Loves swimming.
Water is her new best friend!
Look at the picture! She enjoys every moment in the swimming pool and in the plastic pool.
Love seeing her expressions.

Seven Days and Counting

My Gosh... it's almost a year ago!
It's almost a year ago that i posted a note in this blog saying that i'm due to have my baby girl...
She's already here almost 1 year. Here with us, among us. Making our days so bright and shining. Making our life so worthed like never been before!

You are mommy and daddy's sunshine, moonlight, earth, wind and fire, our air to breath, our food to eat. You are the reason why we're so fascinatingly happy right now! Thank you dear Hayley. My life without you is something that i can't really imagine and contemplate anymore! You will always be my baby and mommy will always be there for you, my lovely sweet Hayley.

Look at her now! She can stand up and try to walk and slide slowly! She even thought that she can be inside the TV and play with Dora. What a development can a baby make in one year time!!!!

It has been an amazing journey so far and it will be more amazing in the years to come! Can't wait to sail this life with you as long as I can, my child!

Mommy loves you so much, Hayley!